– Enhance liver and kidneys detoxification function and increase bile secretion to facilitate digestion.
– Restore liver and kidneys function after treatment of infections, food poisioning, …
– Prevent diseases related to liver and kidney and ascites in poultry due to environment, high stocking density,…
Vitamin (B1, B5, B6, K3), Inositol, Betain, Sorbitol.
* The main ingredients:
Vitamin K3 (min) ……………….. 2,500 mg
Inositol (min) ………………….. 10,000 mg
Sorbitol (min) ……………….. 400,000 mg
Vitamin B1 (min) ………………. 2,000 mg
Vitamin B5 (min) ………………. 7,000 mg
Vitamin B6 (min) ………………. 3,000 mg
Use 2-3 days continously.
Poultry: 1 ml/ 1 liter of drinking water or 1 liter/ 500 kg of compound feed.
Cattle: 2 ml / 10 kg body weight.
(Should be used after treatment with antibiotic or vaccination)